Cahoon Caregiver Employee Newsletter – January 2016
Quarterly Employee Newsletter
April 2016
Cahoon Care Associates

Corporate Office: 781.659.1877
429A Washington St, Norwell, MA
Cahoon Care Associates is pleased to announce our next installment of the Employee Newsletter! With winter in full swing, we remind all our hardworking employees to take the time to Care for the Caregiver.
A recent article from talks about working night shifts and making sure you still get good sleep. According to the article, 20% of an industrialized nation’s work-force work either a night or rotating shift. The article further warns of the risks of sleep-deprivation or certain sleep disorders and offers tips on getting better sleep:
- Limit caffeine. Drinking a cup of coffee at the beginning of your shift will help promote alertness. But don't consume caffeine later in the shift or you may have trouble falling asleep when you get home.
- Avoid bright light on the way home from work, which will make it easier for you to fall asleep once you hit the pillow. Wear dark, wraparound sunglasses and a hat to shield yourself from sunlight. Don't stop to run errands, tempting as that may be.
- Stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule as much as you can.
- Ask your family to limit phone calls and visitors during your sleep hours.
See the full article here:
We want to hear from you!
As valued employees of Cahoon Care Associates, we would like to get your feedback on our new Employee Recognition Program and any ideas or topics you would like to see covered in the next newsletter.
Featured Employee:

Betty Frasca
Once a quarter, we recognize and reward one employee who has gone above and beyond for our clients and our company. We are pleased to announce Betty Frasca as our featured employee this quarter.
Betty joined Cahoon Care Associates in 2012 as an experienced caregiver. But she has had several other careers as well, including real estate and a wedding gown business with her cousin. But caregiving has a personal connection for Betty. She and her siblings cared for their mom, who had an unusual form of dementia, allowing their mom to remain at home until the last 2 weeks of her life. Betty approaches caregiving as caring for someone the way she would want someone to care for her mom.
She exemplifies the “True heart for caring” her compassion and positive outlook have made her a favorite with many of our clients.
Congratulations Betty!
We have a referral bonus program to refer new caregivers and new clients:
- $50 referral bonus for each new caregiver, after they have worked for us for 3 months.
- $75 referral bonus for each new client, after they have used our services for 1 month.
New Website Employee Hub:
The Cahoon Care website will feature an employee portal called 'Employee Hub.' From this new page you will find easy links to eRSP and IPCED as well as back issues of the employee newsletter.